Diesel Efficient now available at 11 more cardlocks in Alberta, Manitoba, and Saskatchewan. Learn more here.

Cardlock network news: 9212 108 St, Grande Prairie, AB is now open |1140 Finch Ave W, Toronto, ON, is now open | 200 1st Ave, Dead Man’s Flats is now open | 10862 Steeles Ave East, Milton, ON has closed. |  All other travel centres and cardlocks are open

Cardlock network news

Get more out of every fill with Esso Diesel Efficient, now available at 11 more cardlocks! Diesel Efficient is pre-additized to increase fuel economy by 2% versus unadditized diesel, improve injector cleanliness and provide corrosion protection. 
Now available at: 9212 108 St, Grande Prairie, AB is now open | 1140 Finch Ave W, Toronto, ON, is now open | 200 1st Ave, Dead Man’s Flats is now open 

Free showers for professional drivers at 34 participating Esso cardlocks and travel centres across Canada

From May 9 to May 15, truckers can freshen up with a free shower at these 34 participating Esso cardlocks and travel centres. Just let the station attendant know you’re a professional driver to obtain your free shower.

Esso Commercial Cardlocks will be exhibiting (booth #5228) at the Truck World trucking trade show, taking place April 21 to 23 at the International Centre in
Mississauga, Ontario. Click here to register for the show.

Esso sponsors truck platooning project

Esso Commercial Cardlocks is proud to be one of the sponsors of the Alberta Motor Transport Association’s Cooperative Truck Platooning System project that is studying the safety and benefits of connected commercial transportation using semi-autonomous trucks. Learn more.

Enjoy a free coffee to celebrate National Trucking Week!

To show our appreciation during National Trucking Week, come in to participating Esso Commercial Cardlocks™ and travel centres between Sunday Sept. 3 and Saturday Sept. 9 and get a free coffee (or other hot beverage). Just tell the station attendant you’re a professional driver to receive your free coffee.

Esso cardlock network status

In Ontario: Maple Cardlock has permanently closed.

In Manitoba: Ashern has permanently closed.

In British Columbia: The 150 Mile House Travel Centre and Kelowna cardlock have permanently closed.
All other travel centres and cardlocks are open.

New Esso cardlock and travel centre locations

New cardlock in Sarnia, Ontario
New cardlock in Mississauga, Ontario

Helpful tips for using the website

1: It’s easy to dial an Esso cardlock truck stop from any mobile phone. Learn how.
2: Providing you have an iPhone and use Apple’s Safari browser, or if you have an Android phone using Chrome, you can add the Site Locator page –or any other webpage –as an ‘app’ to your phone’s home screen. Here’s how:
a.Go to the Site locator webpage, or any other webpage you’d like to add.
b.On an iPhone, tap the icon at the bottom centre of your screen. On an Android device, tap on the (3 dots) symbol.
c.Scroll until you see the ‘Add to Home Screen’ option and tap it.
d.Tap the word ‘Add’ to complete the process.
e.The ‘Esso Cardlocks app’ icon will now appear in the first available space on your phone’s home screen.
(This feature is not available when using the Chrome browser on an iPhone.)

The next time you need to open this website on your phone, simply tap on the app!